Thursday, July 21, 2016

Following in the footprints

We are supposed to live for God. Follow his word, go with HIS plan for each and every one of us. We cannot live by faith alone. We are here humans. Do you want to live ordinary and just barely get into Heaven or live extraordinary to not only just get in by the skin of your teeth but really into Heaven and show the world that you are living for him? Also help spread the word not only by mouth but by works as well. Something to ponder but not to be treated lightly.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Little miss can't do wrong

Haha my 3 yr old grand daughter is such a gem! I love her to pieces! She is so sassy but in an adorable way. Smart, that is putting it mildly! She's our Cranio baby. Surgery at 1 year. She has been able to carry on a conversation since she was a little over a year. Her first birthday party was at the Tiki House on Topsail Island. My favorite place in the world by the way. She has been potty trained pretty much since then as well. She'll light the fire under my but in a second but then its gone even quicker! She's a spitting image of her momma! Love them both to pieces!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Anti Bullying Program for the bullies

I grew up in a world where disabilities were around me so I saw a lot of judgement right from the start. Then as my sister and I grew older and dating came into the picture I saw a lot of judgment on race and sexual orientation. How the world can be so cold I just don't understand. I never want to teach my children to be racist or mean like that. There are so many agencies for people needing help or assistance. A few I am familiar with are OMRDD, OMH, DV. Others I feel may be beneficial on the other spectrum would be MOP, Anger Management, what about a anti-bully program? Perhaps some people don't even realize that what they are doing is bullying so when caught (legally of course) they should have to enter an anti-bullying program. Jmo from a stay at home mom